- Title: Periódico Tchê Química.
- Original alphabet of title: Extended roman.
- Short Title: Per. Tchê Quim.
- ISSN: 1806-0374 (Printed); 2179-0302 (Online).
- Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): 001
- DOI: 10.52571/PTQ
- Review Process: Double-blind peer-review.
- Fast Publication: NO.
- Frequency of Publication: Quarterly [3 issues per year].
- Accessibility: Platinum Open Access, NO-APCs.
- Website:
- Country: BRAZIL.
- Publisher: Araucária - Scientific Association. A Brazilian Company.
- Language of publication: ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE. The sections Title, Abstract, and keywords may contain a third language.
- First issue year: 2004.
- Full text freely available: Yes.
- Browse the most recent issue: Click here.
- Dowload the most recent issue: Click here (single PDF file).
- Journal contact E-mail:
- Social Media: X: @AraucriaRoot | Truth Social: @ScientificAssociation (Since April 2024)
- Website last update: 03/12/2024.